Friday, November 19, 2010

It is a brand conscious world today. Advertising provides a huge impact in the brand marketing activities. Various channels of advertising provide brand information to customers through rich and customized advertising mediums. With a boom in technological sector, outdoor advertising India has set various milestones in out of home brand promotion modes. Assuring more name and fame of advertised brand, OOH Advertising is quite an effective mode of brand promotion. In this article, let us have a look at two latest avenues of out of home advertising.

Outdoor Advertising practices are expanded to many more avenues at present. OOH ads are not restricted to conventional modes such as billboard advertising, poster advertising, hoardings, lamp posts etc. Billboard advertising is still in vogue but most of the billboard ads are now digitalized. Kudos to various technological innovations which have brought about innovative and dramatic changes in various OOH Advertising practices. In the following paragraphs, find out the two latest avenues of outdoor advertising in India.

Airport Advertising

Brand promotion at airport areas is one of the in demand avenues of OOH Advertising in India. Airport Advertising is considered posh as well as superior mode of providing brand message to the target groups. Airport Advertising is currently rated amongst the top revenue drawing practices of OOH Advertising in India. The launches of various airports further open pools of opportunities for various airport advertisers.

Why airport advertising?

- Airport ads provide a posh look to audiences and are considered as a premium mode of brand promotion

- Airport ads provide a larger than life impact on customers

- Airport ads target people who have spending capacities

- Most of the posh brands use airport media for promotion

Mall Advertising India

Mall Advertising is one of the emerging modes of OOH brand promotion. With a big leap in outdoor advertising activities, mall ads have also become quite popular in India. Mall Advertising India is currently one of the ‘in demand’ modes of outdoor advertising widely adopted by a various OOH advertisers and brand owners. The rising tide of mall culture in India has brought about sweeping changes in OOH advertising practices in the country. Most of the OOH advertisers have expanded their brand advertising expertise at malls or shopping outlets.

Why Mall Advertising?

- Shopping malls are emerging day by day offering more and more advertising spaces at the various malls

- Malls Advertising entertains and at the same time informs customers about valuable brand information

- Mall ads redefine the shopping, recreational and leisure activities of customers.


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