Wednesday, December 29, 2010

In the season of good cheer, let’s try to ignore drooping house prices and stingy lenders, and turn instead to all the good things that have happened in the property world this year.

To look on the bright side, the fact that homes have become cheaper is great news for first time buyers and brings us back closer to historic averages, and in line with other similar countries. The fact that the falls have been relatively small and gradual, rather than coming in one big crash, is also a good thing since it has given people time to adjust and has kept the level of repossessions down. Very low interest rates have helped with this.

The UK economy has registered some positive news this year. Manufacturing has made a surprise comeback, with exports of many goods rising, partly due to a weak pound, which encourages export volumes. The feared exodus of financial services companies from the City of London has not materialised (in fact JP Morgan announced that it was bringing hundreds of new jobs to the city).

There has been no shortage of buyers for the UK’s most prestigious and expensive addresses, with wealthy overseas customers ever eager to acquire a piece of the UK. The full effect of the austerity package will be felt in 2011, but so far, there has been relatively little impact on property values.

The decision to cut back on housing support may have a significant effect on some neighbourhoods, as lower paid workers have to relocate to cheaper property, but again, this still hasn’t happened yet and perhaps many people will find the cash to pay higher rents, in preference to moving.

One pregnant mother at this time of year, who wasn’t able to find a suitable property for a short term rental, ended up in a farmyard, where she gave birth. Thank God that most of us have more suitable accommodation.

Merry Christmas and a very happy new year to everyone.

Original comment can be found at The House Prices Advisory


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