Thursday, December 23, 2010

Green Buildings are witnessing a tremendous growth in building and construction sector and India is consistently striving towards position itself as a major global player with a vision to become world leaders in green buildings by 2010.

To advance the green building movement, ISHRAE and IGBC  are engaged in organizing various events and conferences in the country. DRI is playing a supporting role to them by sponsoring these Green Building Conferences and Seminars. DRI has sponsored Urjavaran-2010 Rajasthan and Chandigarh, Confluence 2010, Jal Aur Vaayu 2010 and PARC Seminar 2010 this year. DRI is the gold sponsor at Urjavaran-2010 Rajasthan & Chandigarh, Jal Aur Vaayu 2010 and Confluence 2010. At PARC Seminar, DRI has supported as a Silver Sponsor to promote energy recovery systems and buildings.

DRI is a regular participant at following international Green Building Conferences and HVAC Shows namely Big 5, UAE; China Refrigeration, China; ARBS Show, Australia; ISK Sodex, Turkey; TechFest Conference, India; Manilacon Show, Philippines; Frigair Exhibition, S. Africa; Green Building Congress, India; AHR Expo, Mexico; Green Build Show, USA; Green Building Conference, S. Africa and many others.

Building owners and property developers can mitigate the increasing cost of energy by as much as 50% whilst improving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) of their properties by incorporating Energy Recovery Systems. While incorporating these systems and improving IAQ, developers and architects take a giant step towards achieving Green Building status for their properties.

Green Buildings are eco friendly, reduce operating costs, increase marketability of the building and enhance the owners’ corporate image as they also increase productivity of the occupants and reduce potential liability resulting from poor indoor air quality problem.

Studies of people working in green buildings have reported productivity gains of 16%, including reduction in absenteeism and improved quality of work. Essentially, Green Building designs incorporate positive environmental, economic and social elements that benefit all building stake holders including owners, occupants and the general public. Green Buildings, sometimes referred to as “Sustainable Buildings” or “Environmental Buildings”, are designed to enhance energy efficiency, reduce air-conditioning costs and improve indoor environment quality (both temperature and relative humidity), and in the process, enabling some LEED Platinum Building owners to reap financial incentives under the Kyoto Protocol’s clean development mechanism.

Inadequate quantity of outdoor fresh air in most buildings results in a building becoming “sick”. The occupants of such buildings have no specific illness or identifiable cause of discomfort, but show irritating and nagging symptoms such as headache, nausea, eye, nose and throat irritation, fatigue, dizziness, lethargy, respiratory problems, skin rashes and so on, resulting in loss of productivity and higher levels of absenteeism.

The indoor air has become more polluted through the furnishings in the room – carpets, varnishes, solvents, printers, fax machines, asbestos, tobacco smoke all release harmful contaminants like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehydes, radon, etc, and encourage development of biological organisms like bacteria, viruses, fungus, pollen, odour and dust.

Additionally, indoor air pollution has increased over the years due to a variety of reasons, including the construction of tightly sealed buildings, reduced ventilation, the use of synthetic building materials and furnishings, and the increased use of chemicals in pesticides and household-care products.

Research has shown that people spend 90% of their time indoors and there is growing body of scientific evidence supporting studies that indoor air is 10 to 100 times more polluted than outside air.

The American Society of Air Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers (ASHRAE) specifies ventilation rates for different types of buildings, but generally recommends a minimum of 15-20 cubic feet per minute (cfm) of fresh air per person.

Most of the buildings are generally designed for 5cfm/person or even less. There are very few building which comply to ASHRAE or Green Building Standards.

Increased fresh air however comes at a steep energy cost as the hot and humid outside air adds significant load on air conditioning systems and as a result, most designers/owners compromise on the fresh air quantity.

However, with energy recovery systems, one can increase the ventilation rate and comply with ASHRAE/Green Buildings standards, without the need to increase aircon costs. These systems recycle the energy from the contaminated exhaust air, without recycling the contaminants, by using special desiccant, “molecular sieves”.

DRI's Energy Recovery Systems give the triple advantage -
·    Better IAQ
·    Energy Saving
·    Humidity Control

DRI's “Green” products help to optimize energy performance of air conditioning systems resulting in considerable reduction in installed tonnage, reduction in utility bills for entire life cycle, enhanced IAQ and productivity and reduced health risks as well as leading to achieve rating points for energy certification programs like Greenstar and LEED.

The DRI product range includes Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs) and Treated Fresh Air Units (TFAs) incorporating the EcoFresh Heat Wheels for Fresh Air Treatment & IAQ, Evaporative Cooling Pads for Humidification/ Evaporative Cooling & Arctic Coolers incorporating EcoCool Pads for cooling large spaces.

DRI products and systems are maintaining IAQ in prestigious buildings all over the world : Beijing Airport, China; Olympia Technology Park, India; Thai Parliament, Thailand; National Theatre, Malaysia; Pacific Controls, Dubai; K.E.M Hospital, Australia; The City, Brazil; University of North Carolina Science & Media Building, USA... and many more.

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